What would be the price for your business if it does not adapt to today’s evolving business environment?

Technology advancements, shifting customer trends, and compliance requirements are some factors that demand change. Technology advancements allow organisations to improve their business operations’ efficiency, increase team collaboration, strengthen their IT security posture, or provide cost savings through scalable technology platforms.

Shifting customer trends may require your organisation to redefine its product and service offerings to satisfy customer expectations. A blue ocean strategy may be adopted where new market spaces are identified for existing products and services offerings. Compliance requirements may require your organisation to make significant changes to its policies, structure, and business operating model. These changes may require investments in current and new systems. Non-compliance may impact your organisation’s reputation.

The business opportunity and compliance changes usually require substantial digital transformation. Digital transformation is not easy to implement due to the complexity of most organisations and their environments. Significant changes require a digital roadmap to help navigate the organisation from its baseline environment to its target environment.

Before an organisation commences its digital roadmap, four very important things are required:

    1. Define the target environment that achieves the change requirements with reference to business objectives, value chain, and business operating model.
    2. Produce an analysis of the current environment with reference to the existing business operating model, systems, and value chain.
    3. Perform a gap analysis between the current and target environments. A gap analysis will help determine the extent of the change and what is feasible in terms of current capabilities and constraints. The gap analysis findings may require adjustments to the target environment to ensure its achievement is feasible.
    4.  Use the gap analysis to define a digital roadmap reflecting how the current environment will migrate to the target environment. Break up the roadmap into various stages with estimated timelines for each stage, and their benefits to be realised.

The roadmap needs to be practical, leveraging off current capabilities; and be flexible to adaption, as new constraints or information emerges. A digital roadmap should never be cast in stone!

Carbon8 Consulting has practical experience and many examples of creating digital roadmaps both within our team and in conjunction with our specialist partners. Please contact us, if you require any help in defining your target business model, understanding your current environment, identifying the gaps, and implementing a roadmap that is adaptive to emerging change.

Richard Pritz – Associate Partner (Digital Transformation)


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Carbon8’s highly experienced team in risk, finance and commercial assessments allows us to provide the right solution from concept through to due diligence, integration, planning, execution and on-going monitoring and support.

Carbon8’s highly experienced team will empower and guide your executive management team to consider, develop and implement the best forward looking strategies for your business.

Carbon8’s highly experienced team tailors our framework, based on the innovation curve, so that your business can ideate and efficiently funnel and qualify those concepts worth developing.

Carbon8’s highly experienced team is able to deliver expert evaluations to enhance your organisation’s governance, risk management, and control processes. We provide tailored solutions to ensure compliance, improve efficiency, and strengthen overall performance.

Carbon8 offers expert risk management solutions, including comprehensive frameworks to identify, assess and mitigate risks. We provide strategic guidance and tailored approaches to enhance risk resilience, ensuring your business remains secure and well-informed

Carbon8 specialise in navigating complex regulatory environments, providing expert guidance on regulatory changes, and providing comprehensive regulatory compliance solutions that will ensure your business remains compliant with specific regulations e.g. POPIA/GDPR.

Carbon8 provides industry (e.g. King IV) aligned solutions to enhance accountability, transparency, good performance, ensuring robust and effective governance.

Carbon8 offers expert-led impact assessments to identify, assess, and mitigate risks which any internal or external environment change may present.

Carbon8’s experienced team specialise in optimising finance and operational processes through the integration of robotic process automation (RPA). We analyze current workflows, identify inefficiencies, and implement RPA solutions to streamline operations, reduce manual tasks, and enhance efficiency. Our tailored approach ensures seamless integration of RPA technology, driving cost savings and improving overall performance.

Carbon8’s experienced team specialise in optimising finance and operational processes through the integration of robotic process automation (RPA). We analyze current workflows, identify inefficiencies, and implement RPA solutions to streamline operations, reduce manual tasks, and enhance efficiency. Our tailored approach ensures seamless integration of RPA technology, driving cost
savings and improving overall performance.

Carbon8’s highly experienced team encompass a comprehensive approach to addressing digital disruption while maintaining business continuity. We specialize in delivering solutions that balance transformation with business as usual, enabling organizations to meet exponential growth and change expectations. Our expertise includes catering to evolving customer expectations, enabling new business models, and prioritizing competing innovation initiatives. We help optimize technology investments, identify value opportunities, and overcome legacy and technology debt. With a focus on delivering diverse programs of work, we empower businesses to thrive in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Carbon8’s highly experienced team encompass a comprehensive approach to addressing digital disruption while maintaining business continuity. We specialize in delivering solutions that balance transformation with business as usual, enabling organizations to meet exponential growth and change expectations. Our expertise includes catering to evolving customer expectations, enabling new business models, and prioritizing competing innovation initiatives. We help optimize technology investments, identify value opportunities, and overcome legacy and technology debt. With a focus on delivering diverse programs of work, we empower businesses to thrive in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Carbon8’s highly experienced team will examine and interpret digital data and metrics to gain insights into various aspects of digital performance. Our analysis will focus on understanding your business user behavior, performance, effectiveness, and other metrics. We will then identify trends, patterns, and opportunities for optimisation and/or improvement. We use all relevant tools such as Google analytics, Watson and others where required.

Carbon8’s highly experienced team provides expert analysis and visualization of your organization’s data workflows. We specialize in documenting and optimizing data processes, identifying inefficiencies, and streamlining operations to enhance productivity and effectiveness

Carbon8’s highly experienced team help businesses effectively manage and understand their data assets to drive informed decision-making and maximize their potential. Carbon8 will provide practical strategies to treat data as a valuable asset. These will address the challenges posed by volume, complexity, velocity and variety of data in your business landscape. In addition, advise on the  repair of data quality issues, manage both structured and unstructured data sets, and create access to relevant data thereby unlocking hidden value.